Bologna Fiere

Bologna Fiere

Bologna Fiere Viale della Fiera 20
Bologna (IT)

BolognaFiere is renowned for its rationality and flexibility. Having four independent entrances, each with adjacent logistic services, it is able to host a number of different events simultaneously. It has 20 air-conditioned, fully wired and IT-enabled multifunctional exhibition halls that follow a highly rational layout along four main axes.


Accessibility and mobility are guaranteed by extensive on-site parking (currently 10,000 vehicles and to be enlarged) and a large overhead Travelator network allowing effortless transport around the exhibition centre.


Total Surface Area: 345.000 sqm

Indoor Exhibition space: 180.000 sqm

Outdoor Exhibition space: 80.000 sqm

Services: 35.000 sqm

Parking availability: 10.700


How to get here ?

Bologna Fiere
Viale della Fiera 20 Bologna (IT)

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