Ambiente Lavoro 2025

Bologna Fiere , Viale della Fiera 20
Bologna (IT)

Ambiente Lavoro: the trade show

Ambiente Lavoro brings together public and private Italian operator, departments and associations in the field of health and safety at work together. Ambiente Lavoro, with its two events each year alternating good prospects for training and information: the Ambiente Lavoro in Bologna with products that are on the state of the art, and emphasizes Ambiente Lavoro Convention in Modena, culture and education. The organization of Ambiente Lavoro combines with the desire to expand the knowledge of the company. Unless noted, the companies how much they can save by offering health and safety at work, the entire industry is limited to a few visionary entrepreneurs. In fact, accidents and injuries in work accidents and occupational diseases is a significant economic burden on the workers, employees and society in general. For small companies can work accidents have significant financial implications as Arbeitsauffall and revenues. In addition, there are many other economic consequences of accidents at work that are less visible and therefore difficult to quantify. But companies should look not only at the cost: they must also be aware of the many benefits received from good safety management and occupational health. It was found that the effective integration of safety management related to quality and profits of the company.

Ambiente Lavoro editions

Ambiente Lavoro 2025 From to Bologna Fiere
Ambiente Lavoro 2024 From to Bologna Fiere
Ambiente Lavoro 2023 From to Bologna Fiere
Ambiente Lavoro 2022 From to Bologna Fiere