ISM 2026

Koeln Messe , Koelnmesse GmbH Messeplatz 1
Cologne (DE)

ISM: the trade show

The annually held ISM in Cologne, Germany, is the largest and most important sweets and biscuits trade show in the world. ISM trade show covers the entire available range of confectionery world-wide – in all segments: chocolate, sugar confectionery, biscuits, snack articles, ice cream and raw pastes.

ISM editions

ISM 2026 From to Koeln Messe
ISM 2024 From to Koeln Messe
ISM 2023 From to Koeln Messe
ISM 2020 From to Koeln Messe

ISM - The world’s largest trade fair for sweets and snacks! Don´t miss in in 2019!

Today we are pleased to bring you all the information that you will need to know about ISM - The world’s largest trade fair for sweets and snacks. We interviewed Sabine Schommer, Director ISM. This year the ISM  organizers were so kind to tell us all the details and highlights that we can expect at such a great event, that will be held in Cologne January 27th to 30th.

What are the latest trends in your sector? Will these trends be exhibited also in the fair?

As the leading global trade fair for sweets and snacks, ISM covers the entire product variety of the sweets and snacks industry and offers the appropriate offer for each visitor. While it is not purely a product show, its prime aim is to depict the current trends and themes of the industry. Whether vegetarian and vegan, gluten and lactose-free, sugar and fat reduced, traditional recipes or new interpreted one - there is something for all needs. Protein - another general trend in the food industry - is frequently found in biscuits, chocolate or snack products and is also represented by exhibitors of ISM. At the show, trade visitors will find bars often made from ingredients with a high protein content, frequently combined with fruit or vegetables. For visitors who are interested in innovations, the "New Product Showcase" is the best place to discover the news of the year. ISM not only presents new flavours, exotic spices or general food trends, but also the packaging and marketing trends of the industry and trade. For instance, to-go offers, individually and compactly packed items are still proving to be bestsellers. Against the background that consumers have increasingly less time and commute between home and the office, leisure activities and work, in addition to sweets also savoury snacks are in high demand in this segment. The visitors can find a concentrated offer of such items in the "New Snacks Area".

What news have you prepared for the 2019 edition? What are the highlights?

We have made several changes over the past years. In 2019, we will add a new hall to the seven halls which are already in use for ISM. In so doing, the exhibition space will be increased by further 8,500 square meters up to 120.000. Together with the new hall, we have planned a new plaza concept there with live sweet productions and sampling as a central point of contact. Hall 5.2 will additionally be upgraded and made even more thematically interesting for the visitors. Our motto here was - more visibility for important segments as well as optimized routes. In this way, in addition to the Cologne Coffee Forum and the News Snacks Section, the visitors can now also find the Expert Stage here with countless interesting lectures and a new Food Court with healthy snacks. And those, who would like to relax for a moment, can take a time-out n another newly created Plaza, which offers seating options and a food service area. Trade visitors who look for new inspirations should definitely visit our Newcomer and Start-up Area. Here, young companies from all over the world present their new product ideas such as chocolate, confectionery, biscuits, nuts and snacks.

What are the advantages of exhibiting at ISM 2019?

There are four decisive aspects why companies should exhibit at ISM.

Aspect 1 Innovations, ideas, inspirations: ISM surpasses every other trade fair in its role as the trend barometer and source of momentum for the global sweets and snacks industry. Only here exhibitors and visitors can gain such a wealth of comprehensive information about all the trends, market developments and competitors´ activities.

Aspect 2 A concept tailored to meet your needs: ISM´s concept is optimally designed to meet the exhibitor's needs and the trade´s requirements. Only end products intended for the retail trade are displayed - from all the relevant areas: chocolate, sugar confectionery, fine baked goods, snack items, ice cream and raw pastes. That´s how the sector´s supply and demand are brought together in a targeted manner.

Aspect 3 Well-defined visitor groups: ISM is open exclusively to trade visitors – especially bulk buyers. So, people who visit the fair are working in the industry and contacts are of high quality.

Aspect 4 Perfect timing: The fair´s early scheduling at the beginning of the year enables exhibitors to optimally plan and present all of their seasonal business. So they won´t miss any opportunities for a turnover.

Can you give us some tips to take the best out of visiting this event?

In order to get an overview of the fair, trade visitors should definitely use our hall and site plans which they can find on our website. A few weeks before ISM starts, they can also download an ISM App with maps, information on exhibitors and events that take place at the fair. That way, trade visitors easily find their way around. Moreover, we offer a comprehensive search function for exhibitors and events on our website. In so doing, trade visitors know exactly where to find the exhibitor who they like to meet or when which talk or lecture will take place on our expert stage. For those who are interested in trends and innovations, we offer special exhibitions such as the New Product Showcase, the New Snack Area, the Newcomer Area or the Start-up Area.

Furthermore, we offer Guided Tours, e.g. “ISM in a nutshell”. This way, you will see the most important areas and special shows at ISM in less than one hour.

How to apply to exhibit or attend?

The best way to apply is via our website,

Here you can download the application forms, calculate the costs of your booth and get information about the different areas and special packages for companies who like to exhibit.

If you would like to attend as-as visitor, you will find all relevant information in the visitor section of the ISM website.

Lastly, can you give us some participation results from the last edition?

Overall the ISM 2018 recorded around 37,500 trade visitors from 144 countries.
1,656 exhibitors from 73 countries participated. For them, the quality of the trade visitors was of decisive significance in their summaries of the trade fair. Not only buyers from the largest trading companies were on-site. Also, the online trade and the specialized trade that is important for many exhibitors came to Cologne. The global leading role of ISM was not least confirmed by the presence of the TOP 20 food distributors worldwide, who were represented in Cologne by strong teams of buyers. The registration data of ISM showed that leading trading and sales companies had travelled to Cologne. These include for instance Aeon, Ahold, Aldi, Amazon, Arko, Auchan, Carrefour, Coop, Costco, Delhaize, Edeka, Globus, Hussel, Jumbo, Karstadt, Kaufhof, Kroger, Leclerc, Lekkerland, Lidl, Marks & Spencer, Metro, Mercadona, Netto, Rewe, Rossmann, Sainsbury, Spar, Target, Tesco and Walmart. Important importers, international wholesalers and suppliers of gift and decorative items also travelled to Cologne to attend the trade fair.

ISM Fair in Cologne

ISM is the largest sweets and snacks fair in the world. At this fair, you can find great stands. Their stand designs show lots of color and are brought to life. It is an excellent fair where you can discover new products, have a global review on sweets and snacks and get up-to-date with the latest innovations.

Ism Cologne Stand

The numbers add up: 35,000 trade visitors from 140 countries and 1,400 suppliers from 70 countries. In this fair, it's clear that the products are exposed to a wide public. Its hallways are filled with endless amount of colors, famous characters, free taste samples, hostesses and without a doubt a lot of happy visitors..

Ism Cologne Usa Pavillion

All kinds of chocolate products, biscuits, snacks, confectionery, ice cream, sweet breakfast food form part of the fair. Changes in consumers has lead them to the present new healthier options too. These are just a few reasons to come to ISM Fair 2015 and of course, be part of it.

Don´t miss you with this event, your stand can form part of it. You will be interested in knowing our best contractors, builders and designers in Cologne.

ISM, the sweetest event in Cologne

When we say that ISM is the sweetest event in Cologne is literal: the largest and most important business and communication platform in the industry of sweets and snacks.

With more than 35,000 visitors each year from over 140 countries, if you are thinking on showcasing we advise to looking for some staff that help you to attend all sweet tooth. Take a look on our sites and find, just in Cologne, tens of hostess agencies that would be more than ready to help you.

Ism Cologne Exhibition Area

You will have a chance to establishing new partners and relationships that will let you obtain an overview of the worldwide range of available products - from pricing and the organic boom to new taste sensations. And this in the space of only four days!

Exhibit Booth At Ism

Save the date and go to ISM, after all who doesn't enjoy a sweet?

Ism Cologne Stall