Incontro Internazionale delle Civiltà 2011

Quartiere Fieristico di Pesaro , Via delle Esposizioni, 33
Pesaro (IT)

This event has been cancelled and will no longer be held

Incontro Internazionale delle Civiltà: the trade show

The 'International Meeting of Civilization is a cultural event organized by the New Civilization Project.

The fair aims to combine multiple single civilization through art, music, dance and culture, where differences are valued and at the same time fomented integration.

Event profile Incontro Internazionale delle Civiltà

  • Industries: Education
  • Frequency: anual
  • Scope: Local

Incontro Internazionale delle Civiltà editions

Incontro Internazionale delle Civiltà 2011 From to Quartiere Fieristico di Pesaro