Congreso FacoCaribe 2026

Barranquilla ,
Barranquilla (CO)

Congreso FacoCaribe: the trade show

Residents and fellowships, optometrists, surgical instrumentation, health administration, phacocomplications and glaucoma. For this edition there is an attractive program with speakers of great international recognition. There will also be a dynamic section where Live Surgeries will be done.

Event profile Congreso FacoCaribe

  • Industries: Medicine
  • Frequency: bienal
  • Scope: Nacional

Congreso FacoCaribe editions

Congreso FacoCaribe 2026 From to Barranquilla
Congreso FacoCaribe 2024 From to Barranquilla
Congreso FacoCaribe 2018 From to
Congreso FacoCaribe 2016 From to